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                                                            Texas Hall Entry


Texas Hall


On The Campus of

The University of Texas at Arlington


701 West Nedderman Drive

Arlington, Texas 76019


Directions & Parking


Directions to Texas Hall at the University of Texas at Arlington
701 West Nedderman Dr., Arlington, TX 76019
(817) 272-3331

From I-30 Dallas or Fort Worth

  1. Exit at the Cooper Street Exit and go south (right).
  2. Travel approximately 2 miles to Nedderman Drive and turn right (west). Texas Hall is on your right just past Davis Hall.
  3. Visitor parking is on the south side of Nedderman as you enter and on the west side of Texas Hall. The parking meters are in effect weekdays from 7am to 7pm only. DO NOT PARK IN A SPACE MARKED "RESERVED FOR PERMIT #___" DURING 7AM TO 7PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. IF YOU DO, YOU MAY BE TOWED.
  4. The lots adjacent to Texas Hall are open to the public after 3pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. If these lots are full, proceed to the "Activities Bldg" parking lot at the north end of Nedderman (on the left).

From I-20 Dallas or Fort Worth

  1. Exit at the Cooper Street exit and follow the ramp to Cooper Street North.
  2. Travel approximately 5 miles (11 traffic lights) to Nedderman Drive and turn left (west).
  3. Visitor parking is on the south side of Nedderman as you enter and on the west side of Texas Hall. The parking meters are in effect weekdays from 7am to 7pm only. DO NOT PARK IN A SPACE MARKED "RESERVED FOR PERMIT #___" DURING 7AM TO 7PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. IF YOU DO, YOU MAY BE TOWED.
  4. The lots adjacent to Texas Hall are open to the public after 3pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. If these lots are full, proceed to the "Activities Bldg" parking lot at the north end of Nedderman (on the left).

From SH 360 (DFW Airport or HWY 183)

  1. From SH 360, exit Division Street and curve to the right (west).
  2. Travel approximately 3 miles to Cooper Street and turn left (south).
  3. Travel to the 4th stoplight, Nedderman Drive, and turn right (west).
  4. Visitor parking is on the south side of Nedderman as you enter and on the west side of Texas Hall. The parking meters are in effect weekdays from 7am to 7pm only. DO NOT PARK IN A SPACE MARKED "RESERVED FOR PERMIT #___" DURING 7AM TO 7PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. IF YOU DO, YOU MAY BE TOWED.
  5. The lots adjacent to Texas Hall are open to the public after 3pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. If these lots are full, proceed to the "Activities Bldg" parking lot at the north end of Nedderman (on the left).